Home » Paradise of Shaddad (Part 1)

Paradise of Shaddad (Part 1)

Read Complete story/incident of Shaddad’s paradise. The Shaddad who made jannat on earth.

Introduction of story

Introduction of Shaddad

This nation (Aad-e-Iram) living in Ahqaf developed a lot. Allah Almighty had given this nation extraordinary stature and strength. Each of them was at least twelve yards tall. Such was the state of power that the biggest stone which many men could not lift together, one of them would lift it with one hand and throw it.

These people occupied the whole of Yemen by force. Two kings in particular became very famous among them. They were both brothers. The name of one was Shadded which was big. The name of the other was Shaddad who ascended the throne after him. Both of them occupied a vast area and accumulated countless armies and treasures. Shaddad brought the splendor of the kingdom to its peak after his brother Sahdded. Many kings of the world were his tributaries. In that era, no king had the courage and strength to fight him. This power and dominance made him so proud and arrogant that he claimed to be God.

Arrogance of king shaddad

The scholars and reformers of that time, who were the inheritors of the teachings of the previous prophets, When I explained to him and threatened him with the punishment of Allah, he said:The government, wealth and honor he has now, What will be gained by worshiping Allah more than this?Whoever serves and obeys someone, either does it for the advancement of honor and position or does it for wealth.I have got all this, why do I need to worship anyone? Hazrat Hud also tried to explain to him but in vain.
The explainers also said that this government and wealth is a mortal thing, while obeying Allah Ta’ala is the ultimate salvation and the attainment of paradise, which is better and more valuable than all the wealth of the world. He asked What is this heaven like? Explain his praise and virtue. The admonitioners mentioned the attributes of Paradise which were known to them through the teachings of the Prophets, peace be upon them. When it was explained to him, he said: I don’t need this heaven, I can create such a heaven in this world myself.

Paradise of Shaddad

King Shaddad called one hundred trusted men from among his officers. Appointed each of them to a thousand men and explained to all of them his point of view and choice in connection with the construction. After that, he ordered to send the experts of this work all over the world to Aden. In addition, he ordered all the rulers in his territory to make bricks from gold and silver mines and ordered to build a square city (Paradise) which is ten kos wide and ten kos long, adjacent to Mount Aden. Dig its foundations deep enough to bring it close to the water. Then these foundations were filled with Soleimani stone.

When the foundations were filled and leveled with the ground, gold and silver brick walls were chosen over them. The height of these walls was fixed at 100 yards according to the yards of that time. When the sun rose, the walls were not blinded by its brightness. Thus the city wall was built.

Completion of Shaddad Paradise

After that, a thousand palaces were built within the four walls. Each palace had a thousand pillars and each pillar was studded with jewels. Then a canal was built in the middle of the city and small canals were taken from this canal to each palace. Tanks and fountains were built in every palace. The walls and floors of these canals were decorated with rubies, emeralds, corals and sapphires. Artificial trees were built on the banks of the canals with roots of gold, branches and leaves of emerald. Their fruits were decorated with pearls and other gems. The shops and walls of the city were polished with musk and saffron and amber and rose. Beautiful birds of rubies and jewels were made on silver bricks, on which the guards used to sit in their turn to watch.

When the construction was completed, he ordered that silk and zardozi carpets be laid throughout the city. Then sweet water was released in some of the canals, wine in some, milk in some and honey and syrup in some. The bazaars and shops were decorated with cloth curtains and every professional and skillful person was ordered to engage in his own work and that all the inhabitants of the city should be provided with fruits of all kinds at all times.

Death of King Shaddad

When this city was ready with this decoration in a period of twelve years, he ordered all nobles and members of wealth to settle in it.
Then Shaddad himself, with his Lao army, marched towards that city with great arrogance and pride.
He also took some scholars and reformers with him and mocked and ridiculed them along the way and said to them:
“You were asking me to bow down to someone else and be humiliated for such a paradise. You have seen my power and wealth
When he approached, all the townspeople came outside the city gates to welcome him and showered him with jewels.
When he reached the gate of the city, it is said that he had just taken one foot out of the horse’s stirrup and placed it on the doorpost when he saw a stranger standing there.

King Shaddad asked: Who are you?
He said: I am Malik Alamut.
Shaddad asked: Why have you come?
Malikulmout said: To take your life.
Shaddad said: Give me enough time to see the paradise I have made.
Answer received: I do not have a command.
He said: Come on, give me enough time to get off the horse.
Answer: This is also not allowed.

So just now Shaddad had one foot in the stirrup and the other on the doorframe when Malik Alamut seized his soul. Then Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S.) gave a terrible scream that at the same time, the whole city with its magnificent decorations was buried in the ground so that not even its name and mark remained.

Read second part of Shaddad’s Paradise that includes Ruins of Aram and The end of Shaddad and his Paradise.

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