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Story of painter and a boat

A painter and a boat story is the bed time moral story for kids. This is not only a story, this can also give lesson us to help others without any reasons and greed. This story teaches us that no matter how small an act of kindness, its effects can sometimes exceed our expectations. Thire are the main points of painter and boat story:

  • Contract: Getting a contract from the boat owner to paint the boat.
  • Revelation: The painter’s discovery of a small hole in the boat.
  • Repair: Repairing holes at the painter’s discretion.
  • Child Voyage: Taking the boat owner’s children out to sea without informing them.
  • Happiness: Children returning home in the evening smiling.
  • Thanks: The boat owner calls the painter again and gives him a big check.
  • Expression of love: A boat owner’s check as an expression of love and gratitude.

Disclosure and completion of work.

In a village there lived a skilled painter whose work was very famous. News of his skills had spread far and wide. One day, a boat owner hired him to paint his boat. The painter happily set to work and painstakingly decorated the boat with new colors.

While working, the painter noticed a small hole in the floor of the boat. He knew that this hole could be very dangerous, especially when the boat was in the water. Without further delay, he took out his repair tools and filled the hole. This job was not included in his contract, but he thought it was important to do. In the evening when he had finished his work, he took his wages from the boatman and set out for home. He did not mention that he had also repaired the hole in the boat, as it seemed to him a small task.

Painter were called again to his house

Two days later, the boat owner invited the painter to his home again. The painter wonders why he has called again, but he immediately arrives. The boat owner thanked him and handed him a large check. The painter was surprised and asked what the extra money was about.The boat owner said, “The next day my children took the boat and went out to sea without my knowledge. When I came to know this, I suddenly remembered that there was a hole in the boat. My heart beat faster. And I was very worried that something might happen to my children. “I was worried all day, but in the evening when my children came home smiling, my joy knew no bounds. I immediately inspected the boat and saw that the hole had been repaired. That’s when I understood. That you not only painted the boat but also gave me the most precious gift (Protecting my children) of my life.

An Expression of Love

The boat owner added, “This money cannot repay your kindness, but it is a small token of my love and gratitude to you.”
Tears came to the painter’s eyes. He never imagined that his small act could bring so much happiness and peace in someone’s life. From that day the painter learned that even small tasks can sometimes produce huge results. And he was grateful that he had the opportunity to bring happiness to someone’s life

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