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A Glass of Milk

Bedtime stories create a magical link between today’s adventures and tomorrow’s dreams. Moral stories provide lessons for kids. ‘A Glass of Milk’ is a story with valuable lessons for children. In this story, kids learn about kindness, compassionate treatment, and generosity. The story demonstrates that kindness and compassion have enduring rewards. Read ‘The Glass of Milk’ story in English with pictures.”

People also read the story with different titles:

  • The Kind Gesture
  • Ali and the glass of milk
  • Sara’s Kindness
  • A Tale of Compassion
  • The Generous Stranger
  • The Miracle of Kindness
  • A Glass of Milk: A Story of Hope
  • The Priceless Gift of Compassion
  • Lessons in Generosity

In a small village, there lived a boy named Ali who worked hard selling vegetables to support his family. One hot summer day, Ali was overcome by thirst and hunger as he slogged along dusty paths.

A kind-hearted gesture

Ali knocked on the door of a grand mansion, hoping for a kind soul to offer him water. Many turned him away, but a young girl named Sara opened the door. She noticed Ali’s parched lips and handed him a cool glass of milk without expecting anything in return.

A time of need

Years passed, and Sara fell gravely ill with a mysterious ailment. Doctors in the village couldn’t diagnose her condition, and none were willing to treat her without upfront payment. Determined to find help, Sara traveled to the city to seek treatment from the renowned Dr. Rahman.

The Doctor’s Dedication

Dr. Rahman was known for his expertise and compassion. He examined Sara thoroughly, discovering a rare illness that required intensive care. Despite Sara’s inability to pay, Dr. Rahman dedicated himself to her recovery, working tirelessly day and night.

A Priceless Gift

Months later, Sara recovered under Dr. Rahman’s care. Relieved and grateful, she asked for the hospital bill. To her surprise, the bill read, ‘Paid in full, with a glass of milk.’ Dr. Rahman explained that Ali, now a successful businessman, had anonymously covered all expenses, remembering Sara’s kindness from years ago.

Morals of the Story:

  • Kindness is rewarded.
  • Compassion Matters
  • Generosity Transcends.
  • Gratitude and reciprocity
  • Faith in Humanity

Why is this story valuable for students?

This story shows students the value of kindness and compassion. It teaches that a small act of generosity, like giving Ali a glass of milk, can create a chain of goodwill that comes back unexpectedly. It also demonstrates the importance of helping others without expecting anything in return, as it can lead to meaningful connections and even change lives for the better.

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