Home ยป The Stolen Donkey’s Tale

The Stolen Donkey’s Tale

This story highlights the themes of loyalty and the unexpected rewards of honest and faithful behavior. The donkey’s loyalty to its home led to its return, bringing unexpected benefits to its owners. It also illustrates that ill-gotten gains often lead to unintended consequences, and those who act dishonestly may ultimately face disappointment. Additionally, the story emphasizes the importance of resilience and patience in times of loss, as true worth often finds its way back.

The silence of the night spread everywhere. Everything was shining in the moonlit night and there was only silence in the village. Mom and Dad were away at a wedding, and Ali was studying in his room. Suddenly, a strange sound was heard from outside. Ali peeked through the window and saw some movement, but ignored it.

After a while, Ali heard a faint sound from near the door, as if something was being dragged. Gathered courage and slowly opened the door. When he went out, he saw that the donkey of the house was missing. Ali understood that there must be something wrong. Two days passed, and everywhere there was talk of the missing donkey. Everyone was sad because that donkey was very important to the house. Every day the father went to different places in the village asking about the donkey, but there was no trace.
The thief, on the other hand, was happy with what he had done. He thought that this donkey would prove to be a gold mine for him. He took it to the market and loaded it with fruits and vegetables to sell and earn some money. But he did not know that the donkey is very loyal and knows his way home.
The market began to rush, and the thief’s attention turned elsewhere. The donkey seized the opportunity and left there and walked towards his home. On the village paths, away from the hustle and bustle of the bazaar, he headed straight for his old home.

In the evening, Ali and his father were sitting in the courtyard of the house when suddenly they heard some noises at the door. Dad looked at the door and said, “Whose voice could that be?” When Ali opened the door, the missing donkey was standing in front, loaded with fruits and vegetables. The father’s eyes had mixed emotions of surprise and happiness. Both of them called the donkey inside and he went to his old place and stood. “Our donkey has not only returned, but has also brought us fruits and vegetables!” said the father happily. Everyone started laughing and thanked Allah from their hearts.

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