The story of a shepherd boy and the wolf is a village morality tale of a young shepherd boy who lived in a village. The boy named Zain. The responsibility of Zain was to take care of a village’s flock of sheep. The village depended on these sheep for their wool and meat.
Zain was a mischievous boy who often got bored while watching over the flock. To entertain himself and add a little excitement to his duties, he came up with a cunning idea. One day, while sitting on a hill overlooking the village Zain decided to play a prank on the villagers.
He shouted, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is attacking the sheep!”
The villagers heard his cries and rushed out of the village to help the shepherd boy. When they reached him they asked, “Where is the wolf?” The cunning shepherd boy laughed loudly, “Ha, Ha, Ha! I fooled all of you. I was only playing a trick on you.”
A few days later, the shepherd boy played this trick again.
Again he cried, “Help! Help! Wolf! Wolf!” Again the villagers rushed up the hills to help him and again they found the boy had tricked them .They were very angry with him for being so naughty.
Then, sometime later, a wolf went into the field .The hungry wolf spotting the flock of sheep, began to attacked one sheep, and then another and another. The shepherd boy ran towards the village shouting, “Help! Help! Wolf! Help! Somebody!
This time, when zain cried out for help, the villagers remembering his past prank, ignored him, thinking it was just another false alarm.
Tragically, the wolf killed and scattered the sheep, causing significant losses to the village. The lively flock of sheep was decimated because the villagers no longer believed the boy who cried wolf. This prank of shepherd boy humiliates him bodily.
The horrible wolf and sheep story summery is, there are very bad consequences of false alarm .The lesson of this moral story of shepherd boy who cried wolf is, you must think before you act. This famous sheep herding tale is very helpful for teaching our children’s honesty and loyalty. From this fable of shepherd boy who cried wolf we got a lesson then we should always speak truth. The shepherd boy and wolf characters are very interesting. This wolf and sheep story is full of lesson.
Moral in the story of a shepherd boy:
[1] Liars are not believed even when they speak truth.
[2] If you repeatedly deceive others, they may not believe you when you really need help or when a real crisis occurs.
[3] Dishonesty can lead to a loss of trust and credibility.