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Hazrat Adam A.S


The story of Hazrat Adam A.S is the first of the prophets. Before the creation of human beings (Adam (PBUH). God created the jinns 2000 years ago. Allah applied Shariat which means something hidden which is not visible to human beings who have intellect but only little. Then the Almighty God sent the jinn to the earth and they created mischief on the earth, then the Almighty God prepared a large army of angels and sent them to the earth. The Lord commanded the angels to go to the earth and send all the jinn to the islands of the sea. The angels came to the earth by the command of the Lord and sent them to the islands of the sea. Hazrat Adam A.S (peace be upon him) was created from clay.

After that, the Almighty revealed his intention to the angels and said to the angels that I want to create a caliph, so the angels replied that you are creating a creature who will start rioting and killing. We are too many to worship you, so the Lord Almighty said to the angels that what I know you do not know. After the breath of the soul, Adam (PBUH) sneezed. So Adam said, (Shukar AlhamduLillah)”Praise be to Allah.” In response, the angels said,(Yarahmak Allah) “Remember, this is the Sunnah that has been going on since the birth of Adam (peace be upon him).”

The first prophet of Allah

Creation of Adam from Soil:

Creation of Men

خَلَقَ الْإِنْسَانَ مِنْ صَلْصَالٍ كَالْفَخَّارِ (14)

اور اس (اللہ) نے انسان کو ٹھیکرے کی طرح کھنکھناتی مٹی سے پیدا فرمایا (14)

He created man from dry clay that sounded like a tinker!

Time to breathe/Soul

And when the time came that the spirit began to be blown, all the angels were present and the spirit was ordered to enter, so the spirit made seven rounds around the body and then said that it is dark inside, I cannot stay, so it was again ordered to enter. It will be done until a fixed time and it will return to us again (We promised to take you out after a fixed period then the soul entered…then the soul of the believer remains restless in the world) and when it entered the nose From the nostrils and reached the head.

Then Allah reminded Hazrat Adam A.S of the names of all (things) and then presented these things to the angels. Then Allah said: If you are truthful. So they said, “Your nature is pure, and we only know as much as you have taught us.” Then he said to Adam, he listened to it, and then he said, “I did not say what I know, but you do not know. And then his angels were commanded to prostrate themselves to him, and they all prostrated themselves, except Shaitan Mardud, for he was arrogant.

When he was asked, he said, “I am greater than him in knowledge and rank, and my birth is better than that I am made of fire which is holy. And Adam was created of clay.” So it was said, “Go out, then you were disobedient and arrogant. May you be cursed until the Day of Judgment, and you were rejected forever.” So Iblis saw that he was rejected by Satan. So he was thankful that he was not one of the rejecters.

Shaitaan Rejections:

Then Satan said, “By You, I will deceive them and come upon them from above, below, in front, behind, and from right to left, and I will make them disobey You. It was said that those who obey you and are disobedient, I will punish them severely and give them the punishment of Hell and their end will be with you. He (Iblis) asked Allah for three things. All three things were accepted and he was rejected and rejected from the heavenly world. There were three things

Life to Judgment Day

With the birth of every child of Adam, a child of Iblis is born

Access to the human heart to whisper

Creation of Hazrat Hawwa A.S

Expulsion of Adam and Hawwa from Paradise:

Shaitaan (Iblees) went to mother Hawa and told her that everything that God has given you is going to end – your beauty, your beauty, your youth, these blessings – everything is going to end – but I can tell you one thing that All this will remain forever, but will increase your powers, your beauty, these blessings will increase even more. Mother Eve fell into his seduction and persuaded Hazrat Adam in some way and he went to this tree (said that when Adam wanted to eat the fruit, we stopped our patience because we wanted to create the universe and see it). Who obeys us and obeys us) When hawwa plucked its fruit, blood flowed from that place (from where she plucked the fruit).

When they set their teeth on the fruit and had not yet eaten, their heavenly clothes came off and they became naked and began to cover their seventies with the leaves of the tree of Paradise and it was ordered Go out, surely you are one of the wrongdoers. Allah Ta’ala took everyone out of Paradise together, but brought them down to the earth separately from each other, i.e. at long distances from each other – as a punishment, all the privileges of Paradise were taken away from them, and they were separated.

Hazrat Aman Hawa was taken down to Jeddah while Hazrat Adam was taken down to hind (Sri Lanka) and to the jungles to hide the snake while the peacock was taken down to the desert. when Hazrat Adam realized his mistake, he cried. They used to cry in God’s court and then they didn’t know how to forgive the mistake, so they just kept crying. The first grass and a tree called nutmeg (Jaiefil) on earth grew from the tears of Hazrat Adam.

Punishment of Iblees:

Satan was also punished for the crime of seducing Adam and hawa:

  • Iblis Lain was deprived of the kingdom of all the earth and the first heaven
  • Iblis was deprived of the closeness of God
  • His name Azazel was changed to Iblis
  • Iblis became the leader of the wretched and the disbelievers
  • Iblis was forever deprived of the wealth of divine knowledge.
  • The door of repentance for Iblis was closed forever
  • Iblis was deprived of goodness forever
  • Iblis became the preacher of all the people of hell
  • The face of Iblis was distorted

Death Of Hazrat Adam A.S:

When the time of death of Hazrat Adam approached, he called Hazrat Shayth and said: Son, whatever you are seeing, God has given us through His power and God commanded me. I want to appoint you as my successor and hand over his trusts to you. Below my head is my testament in which is Wisdom (Athar al-Ilm) and Asm-e-Azam. When I leave this world, take it and give it to someone. Do not inform about it until such time comes upon you as I have, at that time pondering and worrying about whom it is to be given, including all matters that you will need, whether it is worldly or religious. Everything is there.

Hazrat Adam was 60 cubits tall. He used to walk bowed due to fear of God. He lived to be 930 years old and was buried in Jeddah. Another tradition is that he is buried in Masjid Khaif where other seventy prophets are also buried. Hazrat Hawa died two years after his death. His grave is in Jeddah.

Grave of Adam.

Hazrat Yunus a.s

Hazrat Umer Bin Abdul Aziz r.a

Namrood and Ibrahim (A.S)

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