Home » Hazrat Yunus a.s

Hazrat Yunus a.s


Punishment on the nation of Yunus:

Hazrat Yunus (A.S.) continued to stop the people of Nineveh from the call of monotheism and idolatry for a long time, but the people flatly refused to accept his call. Not only this, the proud nation like other disobedient nations continued to make fun of his invitation. When their disobedience and disobedience reached the extreme, Allah ordered Yunus (peace be upon him) to inform the people that within three days they would be punished. You announced it to the nation. Hearing this, the people of Yunus consulted among themselves, and they all agreed that “Yunus, peace be upon him, was never seen telling a lie, so his words should not be ignored.

lefting the town of nenvah:

It was also decided in the consultation that it should be seen that if Yunus (peace be upon him) stays in his house at night inside the town, then understand that nothing will happen and if he goes somewhere else, then believe that punishment will surely come in the morning. will come. Short story, Hazrat Yunus left that town at night. In the morning, the punishment of God began to hover over the heads of the inhabitants in the form of a black smoke and cloud.

Seeing this, Hazrat Yunus (a.s.) was searched for to come to his hand and repent, but he could not find him, so he himself started to repent and seek forgiveness with sincere intention and came out of his houses to a field. Women, children and animals were all gathered in that field. All the inhabitants of the village dressed in sackcloth and helplessly engaged in penitence and seeking refuge from punishment in such a way that the whole field began to resound with groans. Allah accepted their repentance and removed the punishment from them. According to tradition, it was the day of Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram.

Yunus a.s lived in the belly of a fish:

Hazrat Yunus (A.S.) was outside the town waiting for the punishment to descend on this nation. They did not know the status of their repentance and forgiveness. When the punishment was averted, they were worried that “now the people will call me a liar, because I announced that the punishment will come within three days.” If it was known and he could not provide any testimony on his words, then he would have been killed, so Yunus (peace be upon him) was worried that he would also be killed as a liar.

In the midst of this sorrow and anxiety, they decided to leave this city and walked until they reached the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Saw a boat there, with people on board. Those people recognized you and took you for a ride without paying. When the boat set off and reached the middle, it immediately stopped, moving forward and not backward. The boatmen preached that if any oppressor, sinner or runaway slave boarded our boat, the boat would stop by itself.

Lucky draw in boat:

Such a man should reveal himself so that everyone does not suffer because of him. Upon this, Hazrat Yunus (a.s.) said, “I am the runaway slave, the guilty one.” The prophetic glory of Hazrat Yunus (a.s.) called it a sin to walk without God’s permission. However, he (a.s.) said, “Put me in the river, then all of you will suffer this punishment.” But the boatmen were not ready for it.They didn’t draw lots randomly, but instead, they specifically chose someone’s name to throw into the river. Unfortunately, even in the process of drawing lots, his name was the one that came out.

People were surprised by this, so they drew lots many times and every time his name came up. In verse 141 of Surah As-Safaat of the Holy Quran, there is a mention of this drawing of lots and the name of Hazrat Yunus a.s. On the one hand, when his name came out in the lottery. he was going to be thrown into the river, on the other hand, a huge fish was near the boat with its mouth open on the command of Allah Ta’ala to give him a place in its stomach. As soon as Hazrat Yunus a.s went into the water, the fish immediately took him into its belly.

Tasbih of Hazrat Yunus a.s:

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masoud RA stated that Hazrat Yunus a.s remained in the belly of that fish for forty days. It took them down to the bottom of the earth and carried them for long distances. (Muzhari)Only Allah knows the reality of the situation. In this situation, Hazrat Yunus prayed. ”LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZZALIMEEN” ’لااِلٰہ اِلّا اَنتَ سُبحانکَ اِنّی کُنتُ مِنَ الظّالِمین .

So Allah Ta’ala accepted the prayer and the fish put him on the shore in a perfectly healthy condition. Yunus (A.S.) thought that he might have died when he stayed in the belly of the fish. Allah Ta’ala raised a tree near him, the shade of whose leaves became a source of comfort for him. Also, a wild goat used to come to him in the morning and evening by the command of Allah Ta’ala and he used to drink its milk.

A glorification of marine animals:

It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Huraira that the Holy Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, “When Allah intended to imprison Hazrat Yunus (as) in the belly of a fish, He ordered the fish to take them, but their flesh.” But it is not yours, because these are not your food.” When the fish reached the lowest level of the sea with him, then he heard some moans, on which Allah revealed, “This is the glorification of sea animals. On this occasion Hazrat Yunus also glorified.

When the angels heard his glorification, they began to pray in the presence of God. ”O our Lord! We are hearing a faint and low-pitched voice from a foreign land.” Allah Almighty said, “This is My servant Yunus.” The angels said, “He is a righteous servant, and every night on his behalf And a good deed reaches you every day.” Allah Almighty said, “Yes! They glorify me very well.” Then the angels interceded for Hazrat Yunus before Allah, so Allah commanded the fish and it dropped him on the seashore.

Sajdah inside the belly of the fish

Ibn Abbas RA and Zayd RA said, “When a child is born, his condition is like that of a child at that time.” And they were soft and delicate like washed cotton and there was nothing on the bodyWhen he (A.S.) stayed in the belly of the fish, he thought that he might have died. He (A.S.) moved his limbs, and they moved, and immediately prostrated themselves and prayed to God. “O Lord! I will make a mosque for you, where no one else would have worshiped you.

Blessings of Allah’s glorification:

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an, “Then if they had not declared (Allah’s) purity, they would have remained in its (fish’s) belly until the day when people will be raised.” (Surah As-Safat 144:143) ) In Tafseer Ibn Jarir, it is narrated from Hazrat Saad bin Malik, that he heard the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, saying, “If Allah is called by this name, the supplication is accepted, and what is asked for, Allah grants.” That is, with the dua of Hazrat Yunus. The narrator says that I inquired,

“O Messenger of Allah! Is it special for Hazrat Yunus (AS) or for all Muslims?” He said, “It is special for Hazrat Yunus (AS) and common for the believers, whenever they pray with him. Have you not heard the command of Allah?” Then (Yunus) called out to his Lord in the darkness, (“Laailaha ila ant subhaanka ini kunt min dzaalimain”) (There is no god but You, You are pure. Indeed, I am the one who is guilty. so We accepted his prayer and saved him from grief, and this is how We save the believers. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Whoever makes dua with the dua of Hazrat Yunus (a.s.), his dua will surely be accepted.” (Ibn Kathir)

Prayer Of Yunus In Arabic

The prayer/glorification of Hazrat Yunus A.S inside the belly of fish in arabic states that:

Prayer of Yunus as in Urdu translation:

Prayer Of Yunus as In English Translation:

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