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Know Your Worth

Know your worth story/ Right place, Right value

Story Introduction

This is a very important and instructive bed time story (Know your worth story) for kids, that teaches us that our worth depends on the environment and people we surround ourselves with. This story depends on two characters, which is an old men and his young son. The old men advised his youngster son through an very old watch which he gifted from his father. let start our story. This story called by several names:

  • Value Recognition Story
  • Right Place, Right Value
  • Know your worth story
  • Rare Treasure story
  • Story The reality of the occasion

Introducing main character Rahim

Once upon a time, there lived an old man named Rahim in a remote village. A large part of Rahim’s life had passed and now he was on his deathbed. He had only one valuable item, which his father had given him: an old watch that was about 100 years old. Rahim called his young son, Ehsan, to him and said, “Son, this watch was given to me by my father. It is now 100 years old. But before I give it to you, I want You take it to the goldsmith and tell them I want to sell it. Then see what he charges for it.”

Ehsan obeyed his father and took the watch to the most famous goldsmith in town. The goldsmith looked at the watch carefully, then after a while said, “This watch is very old, but it is in very poor condition. I am ready to pay 25 thousand rupees for it.” Ehsan returned and told his father that the goldsmith was ready to give him 25 thousand rupees. Rahim smiled and said, “Now take that watch to the pawnbroker(Mortgage) and see what they charge for it.”

Ehsan (Rahim’s Son) going to goldsmith

Ehsan going to mortage holder

Ahsan took the watch to a pawnbroker and asked for the price. The pawnbroker looked at the watch and said, “It is very used, I can give you 15 hundred rupees for it.” Ehsan was somewhat disappointed when he heard this and came back and told his father. “Now my son, take this watch to the city museum and show it to them,” said Rahim contentedly.

Ehsan Going to Meseum

Ehsan thought that museum visitors would be interested in an old watch, but he obeyed his father and reached the museum. When the museum master saw the watch, his eyes lit up. He said, “This watch is very rare. We are willing to pay Rs 8 crore for it as it will be a valuable addition to our collection.”

Rahim Advised to Ehsan

When ehsan was surprised and excited and told this to his father, Then rahim smiled at his son and said, “Son, I just want to tell you that you will be valued in the right place. If you are disrespected in the wrong place, don’t be angry. Only those people.” Those who recognize your value will also appreciate you from the heart, so recognize your value and do not stay in a place where no one knows your value.

Lesson of story

The lesson of this story was clear: Our worth depends on where and with whom we place ourselves. We should be self-aware and we should always choose the environment and people who value us and show us the way to progress.

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