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Story of Hazrat Nooh a.s

Read full intresting story, Story of Hazrat Nooh A.s in english.

Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) was a prophet of Allah (Story of Hazrat Nooh A.s). He (PBUH) called people to Allah for about 950 years, but the answer of His (PBUH) people was that Hazrat nuh are common people like us. If Allah had sent a messenger, he would have been an angel, and only 80 of them accepted his religion. Hazrat Nuh (peace be upon him) continued to convey the message of God to his people for nine and a half hundred years, but unfortunately, the people did not believe, but continued to humiliate and humiliate him in various ways, and continued to persecute him with all kinds of tortures and sufferings. That many times these oppressors beat you so much that they wrapped you in clothes and put you in the house thinking he (PBUH) were dead. But you left the house and started preaching the religion. In the same way, they kept strangling him repeatedly until he started suffocating and he fainted, but even during these tortures and troubles, he used to say the same prayer: O my Lord! So forgive my people and guide them because they do not know me.

Noah’s Ark (Boat)

The condition of the Nuh’s nation was that every old father died with a bequest to his children that Noah (peace be upon him) was a very old madman, so no one should listen to his words or pay attention to his words, even One day this revelation was revealed that O Noah! Except for those who have believed so far, others will never believe. After that, he became desperate to bring his people to faith. And Hazrat Nooh a.s prayed for the destruction of this nation. And Allah commanded you to prepare a boat, so in one hundred years the teak trees planted by you were ready and you made a boat from the wood of these trees which was 80 yards long and 50 yards wide and There were three levels in it, the lower level was for animals, birds and insects, and the middle level was for cattle, and the upper level was for herself and the believers. Thus, this magnificent boat was built by you and in a period of one hundred years, it became a historic boat, which was the fruit of your hard work and craftsmanship. Who built this boat by working hard.

People make fun of Nooh a.s before punishment

When you were busy building a boat, your people used to make fun of you. Someone would say, O Noah! Now you became a carpenter? Although earlier you used to say that I am God’s prophet. Someone says O Noah! Why are you building a boat in this dry land? Have you lost your mind? Therefore, they used to make fun of us and use all kinds of taunts and insults, and you used to say in response to them that today you are joking with us, but do not be afraid, when the punishment of God comes in the form of a storm, we will be yours. Will make fun.

God’s Punishment on Nooh’s People (Story of Hazrat Nooh A.s)

When the storm came, He (PBUH) put in the boat a pair of beasts, birds, and all kinds of insects (male and female) and you and your three sons, Haam, Shem (saam), and Japheth (یافث), and their wives and Hazrat Nuh a,s A believing wife and 72 believing men and women, a total of 80 people boarded the boat, and one of his wives, Waala, who was an unbeliever, and one of his sons, whose name was Canaan, did not board the boat. and drowned in the storm. It is said that when the snake and the scorpion started to board the boat, Hazrat Nooh a.s stopped them both. So they both said, O Prophet of Allah! You take both of us. We promised that the person who read that we both will not harm him, so you put them both in the boat. This dua is recited to ward off snakes and scorpions.

Dua for ward off snakes and scorpions

ترجمہ : سلام ہو نوح پر دونوں جہانوں میں

Nooh’s Generation after storm

Read online Surah Nooh full in PDF

Read full Surah Nuh online in pdf with urdu tajweed rules:

The incident of Hazrat Musa a.s & firaoon.

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