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King Midas and the Golden Touch

Bedtime stories are a special tradition that people of all ages enjoy. King Midas Greek mythology, passed down through generations, speaks of a powerful ruler whose insatiable desire for wealth and opulence led him down a path wrought with unforeseen consequences. The legendary story about King Midas and the Golden Touch is widely regarded as a timeless bedtime story for kids. Read King with a Golden Touch, a moral story for kids in English.

The golden touch story

King midas and the golden touch full story

King midas story

The golden touch summary

The story of king midas golden touch

A long time ago, in ancient Greece, there was a king named Midas. He had a daughter whom he called Marigold, and he loved her very much. King Midas had lots of money in his kingdom, but he was never happy. He always wanted more and more gold. One day, as Midas king, was counting gold coins and admiring his treasure rooms, a wise Greek God appeared before him. The Greek God offered the king a wish for some of his good deeds. Right away, King Midas wished that everything he touched would turn into gold. The Greek God granted his wish on the spot and then disappeared.

The Golden Misfortune of King

King was very happy that his wish came true. He went to his garden and touched an apple tree. He was so happy when the tree turned into gold right away. He got really excited and started touching everything nearby, and it all turned into gold too. He couldn’t believe how happy he was and felt overwhelmed with excitement. After a while, he felt hungry and went back to his palace to eat. He was really hungry,and now he felt sad because whenever he tried to eat something, it turned into gold right away.

King Midas daughter, Marigold saw her father upset, then she came quickly and spread her arms around him to give him some solace. But he felt very sad when he touched his daughter; she turned into gold too. He was really scared when he saw his daughter turn into a statue made of gold.

The Redemption of King

He cried a lot and felt really sorry for wishing for the golden touch. Soon, he understood that being greedy was a big mistake. Before long, the Greek God appeared again, felt pity for him, and decided to take back the wish of the golden touch. Then, God told King Midas to go into the pond in his palace and sprinkle its water on anything he wanted to change back to how it was before. He followed the instructions without thinking, and when he sprinkled the water on his daughter Marigold, she returned to normal. After that, he was really happy to have his beloved daughter back and promised to never be greedy again.

King Midas and the Golden touch moral

Greed leads to sorrow.

Actions have consequences.

Contentment brings true wealth.

Be careful what you wish for.

Greed is curse.

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