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The incident of Hazrat Musa a.s & firaoon.

Read online Hazrat Musa A.S and Firaoon story in urdu.

The story of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) is narrated in several places in the Holy Qur’an, and it is a great story that is a story of faith, patience and the help of Allah. Hazrat Musa belonged to Bani Israel, and his birth was a miracle. At that time, Egypt was ruled by Pharaoh, who was a very cruel and oppressive king. He ordered the children of Israel to be killed so that his kingdom would not be threatened.

Birth of Prophet Musa a.s

Hazrat Musa’s mother put her child in a basket and left it in the Nile River at the command of Allah. Allah Ta’ala brought this basket to Pharaoh’s palace, where Pharaoh’s wife Asia found Hazrat Musa and decided to raise him as her own child. Thus Allah brought up Hazrat Musa in the house of Pharaoh, who was later to stand against the same Phiroan.

Declaration of Prophethood

When Hazrat Musa was young, one day he saw an Egyptian oppressing an Israelite. Hazrat Musa tried to stop this Egyptian and killed him unintentionally. After this incident, Hazrat Musa fled from Egypt and reached Madin, where he married the daughter of Hazrat Shoaib (peace be upon him) and spent some time there. Then one day Allah Almighty called Hazrat Musa as a mountain and granted him prophethood. Allah ordered them to go back to Egypt and convey Allah’s message to Pharaoh and save the Israelites from his oppression.

In the Firaoon court

Hazrat Musa went to Pharaoh’s court with his brother Hazrat Haroon (peace be upon him) and gave him the message of Allah. He told Pharaoh that he was a prophet of Allah and commanded him to worship one God. Pharaoh rejected this invitation and called the miracles of Hazrat Musa as magic.

Miracles (Hazrat Musa A.S and Firaoon)

Hazrat Musa performed many miracles at the command of Allah, among which the most famous miracle was his staff that turned into a snake. Firaon tried to counter these miracles by calling the magicians of his kingdom, but the miracles of Prophet Musa defeated the magicians by the command of Allah. The sorcerers also believed and opposed Pharaoh, on which Pharaoh killed them.

The release of the Israelites

Hazrat Musa asked Pharaoh to free the Israelites so that they could worship Allah. Pharaoh repeatedly rejected this demand and continued to oppress the Israelites. Finally, Allah sent down punishments on Pharaoh and his people, including storms, locusts, lice, frogs and blood. After each punishment, Pharaoh would promise to free the Israelites, but as soon as the punishment ended, he would break his promise.

The Miracle of the Nile

After the final punishment, Hazrat Musa migrated from Egypt with the children of Israel. Pharaoh followed them and pursued them with his army. Allah Ta’ala ordered Hazrat Musa to strike his staff on the river Nile. The river was divided into two parts by the striking of Prophet Musa’s staff and the children of Israel passed through it. When Pharaoh and his army also entered the river, Allah re-merged the river and drowned Pharaoh and his army.

Story of Musa a.s and firon is mentioned in Quran at several places. This story teach Muslims patience and belief in Allah’s help. This incident is not only of historical importance but also provides guidance to us in different stages of life even today

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