Home » The story of the Kaaba and elephant army of Abraha

The story of the Kaaba and elephant army of Abraha

Children’s Islamic stories play a vital role in shaping the moral and spiritual development of children. kids islamic stories are essential for children as they teach the principles of Islam and cultivate values like ethics, empathy, and compassion. The story of army of Abraha teach us the principles of Islam and cultivate values like ethics, empathy, and compassion. Islamic stories instill values such as honesty, kindness, and perseverance, serving as moral guides for young minds. Moreover, these narratives provide relatable role models from the lives of prophets, scholars, and righteous individuals, inspiring children to emulate their noble qualities.

Abraha’s Challenge

This incident took place in Makkah in the year of the birth of Hazrat Muhammad. A Christian king of Yemen named ‘Abraha Al-Habashi’ sought to deter Arabs from performing pilgrimage in Makkah. Abraha Al-Habashi constructed a magnificent church in Yemen, adorned with the finest state-of-the-art preparations and design. He endeavored to persuade them to visit his church in Yemen instead and perform pilgrimage there.However, the Arabs declined his invitation and rejected his proposal.

Abraha army to demolish kaaba

Abraha Al-Habashi grew furious and assembled a formidable army, including elephants, with the intent to destroy the sacred Kaaba. As Abraha neared Mecca, fear spread among its people. Their leader, Abd Al-Muttalib, instructed them to seek refuge in the mountains.

How did Allah punish the army of Abraha?

Upon reaching Makkah, Abraha seized the camels belonging to Abd Al-Muttalib and inquired about his whereabouts. Upon Abd Al-Muttalib’s arrival, Abraha bestowed great honor upon him and inquired if he had any requests. Much to his surprise, Abd Al-Muttalib asked for him of his camels, stating, “I am the master of the camels, whereas the sacred Kaaba has its own protector, Allah.”

As Abraha and his army urged the elephants to move towards the Kaaba, they refused to move. Despite their attempts to push, persuade, and strike the elephant, it remained unresponsive. During that moment, Allah sent numerous flocks of birds carrying stones in their claws. They continued hurling stones at Abraha’s army until none were left!

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