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Three Greedy Friends Story   

In the embrace of bedtime stories, bedtime becomes a bridge between today’s adventures and tomorrow’s dreams, where every page turned is a step closer to discovering the boundless wonders of the world and the limitless possibilities within oneself. Read online story of the three greedy friends with images.

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Read online story of the three greedy friends

three greedy friends story   

the three greedy friends story 

Three greedy friends in english

Searching for Treasure

Three friends once lived in a village near the forest. They heard about a hidden treasure in a forest, so they decide to  went there together and found the hidden treasure.

They reached the forest and eventually found the treasure. They began to dance with joy upon finding the treasure and decided to divide it equally after having their meals. One of them went to get some food.

Friendship Betrayed

While he was away, the other two plotted to kill him upon his return and divide the treasure between themselves. When he went away, greed filled the hearts of the remaining two. They plotted to kill him upon his return and divide the treasure between themselves.

A Fatal Scheme

Meanwhile, the third friend also wanted to keep all the treasure for himself. He made a plan too So, he ate his portion and add the poison in the rest.

When he returned, the other two friends fatally wounded him. They then consumed the food he had brought, fell ill immediately, and died. None of them ever obtained the treasure.

Moral of the story:

  • Greed brings nothing but misfortune
  • Never be greedy
  • Greed Leads to Self-Destruction
  • True friendship should not be sacrificed for material gain.

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