Home » Golden egg laying hen

Golden egg laying hen

Read online the story of a hen that laid Golden eggs./ Golden egg laying hen.

The lucky men have a hen that laid golden eggs

Poor Farmer:

It is the story of hen that laid golden eggs. Once upon a time there was a poor farmer lived in a village with his wife and four children. The farmer reared farm animals such as cows, goats and hens. During the weekends, he would sell the farm animals, produce such as milk and eggs at the market for a living.

One morning, the farmer was on his usual routine. He was walking around the chicken coops, collecting the egg laid by the hens. While in one of the coops, suddenly a shiny object caught his attention. It was a golden egg. The farmer was very surprised. A hen has laid a golden egg. He told his family about that golden egg. Whole family surprises.

Farmer becomes lucky:

Next day, the hen again laid a golden egg. It was not a ordinary egg, rather a golden egg. But it was not satisfactory for the farmer what he used to get daily. He was a get rich thrice kind a person. The man wants to get all the golden eggs from his hen at once. So one day he thought hard and at last clicked upon a plan. He decided to kill the hen and get all the eggs together.

Slaughter the Hen:

The next day when the hen laid a golden egg, the farmer caught hold of it ,took a sharp knife, chopped off its neck and cuts it whole body .There was nothing but blood all around and no trace of any egg at all. It was highly grievous to him because even one single egg would not now be gotten by him. He lost not only the golden eggs but the hen also. His life was going on smoothly, but now he himself made his life miserable. The outcome of his greed was that he started becoming poorer and poorer day by day. Later he realized how much foolish he was. From this fable of golden egg we have learnt a great lesson. One who desires more loses all. We should always remain satisfied with what we get. It’s an interesting tale of hen that laid golden eggs to teach our children. The characters of the story of golden egg also have effective role.


Greed destroys a man’s fortune.

Don’t be greedy appreciate what you have.

Greed is curse.

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