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story of Three Men Rescued from a Cave

Read online the shocking secret story of three mens rescued from a cave in english text.

Story of Three men who were stuck in the cave


cave people story is based on reality. Many of us have heard this story but they don’t know that this story is also related to hadiths. Well, we all have heard this story but today we know its truth, and watch a video based on story of 3 people who were stuck in the cave story. The Story of three man is taken from Hadith. Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) narrated from the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said this story to Sahaba Akram.

The rain and large stone:

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Three men were walking on foot when rain came upon them. Seeking refuge within a mountain cave, they were unexpectedly trapped when a boulder descended from the mountain, sealing off the entrance to the cave. They said to each other: Look at the good deeds you have done for the sake of Allah and pray to Allah through them, that He may free you from this confinement and imprisonment. These people were not afraid and they thought that we pray to Allah by keeping our good deeds that we have done in life. “May Allah forgive our sins and save us from this misery”

Prayer of 3 companion to Allah:

After that, the three friends prayed to Allah and the mouth of the cave opened. All the three men did their own prayer to Allah Subhan wa Ta’ala

1st Companion prayer:

On this one of them said, O Allah! I have very old parents, wife and small children to take care of.
When I returned to my animals (after grazing) in the evening, milked them, I would start with my parents and feed them before my children.One day ,search for trees (good for cattle to graze) took me so far that I could not reach home before nightfall. I found my parents sleeping.
I took the milk as usual and stood on their head with the milk. I also did not like to wake them up from their sleep and also did not like to feed the children before them.The children were falling at my feet due to hunger. I remained (standing) and They remained in the same state till morning.(O Allah!) If You know that I have done this only for Your pleasure, then make a hole in it (the closed mouth of the cave) so that we can see the sky. They were able to see the sky because Allah created an opening in the shape of a whole.

2nd Companion Prayer:

The other (companion) said: O Allah! I had a cousin, I loved what a man does to a woman. I asked him for the same for me (myself). He refused (to listen to me) until I brought him a hundred dinars (of gold).I started getting them(gold coins) until I collected a hundred dinars.When I reached between her two legs, she said: Servant of Allah! Be mindful of Allah’s watchful eye and refrain from compromising your virtue without proper marriage vows. So (hearing Your name) I stood (separated) from her. O Allah!If I did this to please you,move the rock further out of plac .Allah moved the rock further.

3rd Companion prayer:

The third (while praying) said: O Allah! I employed a laborer for the wages of a quantity of rice (three sa’s, about seven and a half kilograms). When he had actually finished his work, he stated: Pay my right (wages).. I offered him his labor (three sa’s of rice). He left her (belittling her).I continued to cultivate it (three sa’s of rice), until I collected (many herds of) cows and (slaves) to graze them (from its income).

Then (after a period) he came (back) to me and said: Fear Allah, do not oppress me in my right. I said: Go to these cows (herds) and their herdsmen (slaves) and take them. He said: Fear Allah! Don’t joke with me. I said: I am not kidding,take them all. He removed them. Just so you’re aware, if I did this solely to satisfy you. you know, if I did this only to please you, then open the part of the rock that is left at the mouth of the cave. Allah also opened the rest and they came out of the cave free.

Moral: Good deeds and sincere prayers can lead to miraculous outcomes.

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